About us

Did you ever read a story and just have it make you mad enough to just go ahead and throw your mouse through the screen. Or in the IOT age just punch through your tablet? Yeah, well so do we, every day, with just about everything we read.

So we are here as a purely op ed site. The media has failed us as the 4th estate so we are here to pick apart their garbage with our own brand of vitriol.

As such here is the manifesto of The Daily Bile:

  1. 1. We will try our best to be even and unbiased. It is not that we don't have political view points that we might express, but we will be taking on all sides as evenly and UNfairly as we can.

  2. 2. Our visuals will be work safe, but our language will not. Let's just say it simply, we are mad, we are adults, and we will cover adult topics for an adult audience. However we will not condone the hosting or linking to any adult content. In short, you will find no images or videos here to get off on.

  3. 3. We do not censor our contributors and authors, nor do we direct them on what to write about and what to think about a topic. They have complete discression to choose any topic or news story to target.

So come on in, get mad, get release, and hopefully get through your day.